- Expertise We provide you with a load of expertise. This is put to sensible and productive use to address your issues. Our wealth of experience is based on four decades of interdisciplinary research – and we haven’t stopped digging yet.
- Commitment We don’t settle for the first answer. That’s because we want our qualitative research to come up to the highest standards. We are not interested in the obvious but in solutions that really take your marketing forward.
- Passion We are passionate about our work. That’s because qualitative research is not just a job but a calling for us. In everything we do, we are guided by our enthusiastic search for the drivers of human actions and experiences – the most exciting thing of all for us.
- Multiperspectivity We look at the bigger picture. Every object of research has a variety of facets. By adopting multiple perspectives, we identify and investigate relationships in all their complexity and diversity. This allows us to develop comprehensive solutions.
- Efficiency From 0 to 100 in 7 seconds. Our many years of expertise and a well-oiled network enable us to act quickly and flexibly in all qualitative research situations. This makes it possible for us to solve even difficult problems quickly and without loss of quality.
- Understanding Explaining – instead of just stating. Understanding means revealing contexts to reconstruct psychological realities behind the obvious because products and brands are woven deeply into the web of everyday life. And whoever is aware of this network knows what they’re doing and is immune from activism.